Meet David and Edie, the D and E in “DandE.”
The people behind the cafe and the delights…
Edie (the E in “DandE”) – Edie wants the food to speak for itself… and it says “dandy!” After years in catering, she has turned her talents to developing recipes for special dietary needs… particularly food allergies and gluten & dairy intolerance.
When she is not inventing new recipes, she is active in other aspects of wellness. You can learn more at DandE Wellness.
David (the D in “DandE”) – David is the silent partner in DandE and is responsible for the website…and he is the first to volunteer to be a taster. If you encounter David in the wild, please do not prod him with a stick.
Located in Columbia, Missouri, we can ship throughout the Mid-West and the rest of the US.
All of us in the DandE family constantly strive to bring you the finest and most delightful food with wellness in mind.